Two photographs on 10 m2

Subhash: „Kaminstube Schwarzenau #343”
The restaurant ”Kaminstube Zlabinger” in Schwarzenau (Wood County in Lower Austria) has a new hall. I’m glad that I was ordered to make two big photographs for it. Together they take up more then ten square meters of the wall area. Of course it was not easy to accomplish the necessary resolution, but it worked out: They are sharp even seen from 40 cm.

The bigger image with a length of 3,6 m shows an exterior view of the Renaissance castle with the taverna and the pond in the foreground.
The smaller photography of a place of the grounds is 3 m long. The deadline came closer but I had to wait several days for the right conditions. This light in autumn is only here in the morning on days without clouds and fog and only for a quarter of an hour. I like this photograph very much because it shows the elegiac mood intensely, which I feel at the grounds. Both photographs were printed as toned monochrome on canvas.

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