Photo walk around the “Brühlteich” in Schwarzenau

A few images of the photo walk around the pond “Brühlteich” in Schwarzenau on September 11, 2020:

All shots with focal length 85 mm were taken with the New Petzval 85 mm f/2.2 lens by Lomography in collaboration with Zenit, the ones with a focal length of 50 mm with the OM Zuiko MC Auto-S 1:1.4 50 mm by Olympus. Both are prime lenses with manual focusing. The other four shots were made with the Zuiko digital 12-60 mm f/2.8-4 lens by Olympus. All the other exposure data can be seen by mouseover over the thumbnails as tooltip.

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2 thoughts on “Photo walk around the Brühlteich in Schwarzenau

  1. Der Zauber des verwunschenen Teichs kommt gerade in SW sehr gut zur Wirkung, das gilt auch für die beruhigende ländliche Umgebung. Viel Anschauungsmaterial für Kompositionsmittel, so viele Spiegelungen, Texturen, Linien, ich kann viel draus lernen. Danke fürs Veröffentlichen!

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