Electric Orpheus Academy

Near Rapottenstein in the Wood County (Lower Austria) a stronghold of electroaccustic music is situated, the Electric Orpheus Academy. Music which opens ears and minds is produced and performed there. On the occasion of the concert on July 7th ’18 some photographic work was made.

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My new hero

At the opening of our current photo exhibition I mentioned it: I found a new hero of photography! His name is Wynn Bullock.

Also for him the developing of perception of man was important. Once and again he changed his photographic technics and entered virgin soil. First working as B&W photographer with a 8 x 10 view camera, he changed to abstract color shots (which were made with the camera, that also was my first SLR, an Exacta from GDR), and three or four years later came back to Black and White with an 2 1/4  2 1/4 Rollei SL66. Continue reading

Quotations on photography

If you want to make more interesting pictures, become a more interesting person.

(Jay Maisel)

Knowledge is an island surrounded by a see of mystery.

(Chet Raymo)

You don't take a picture. You ask quietly and humbly to borrow it.


Subhash: „Positioning #711” (Cyanotype)

Subhash: „Positioning #711” (Cyanotype); see also here

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Light of the early spring

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Juego de plumas

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Death my last love […] 4

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