New magazine “Photograph”

Cover “Photograph”

Craft & Vision launches a new quarterly photo magazine as ad-free PDF for 8 US$ only per issue or 24 US$ for the 1-year subscription (4 issues). The first issue has 132 pages, contents portfolios of three photographers and many articles being written with the understandng that this is not only a technical matter but an artistic one. Continue reading

Tres Árboles

Subhash: «Tres árboles»

«Tres árboles»

On the way to an unknown forest I saw from the corner of my eye the presence of these trees on the horizon. Standing together and yet each one an unique being with distinct shape: elegant, plump and nervous. On the next morning before breakfast I investigated the best location with my tripod in drizzling rain— ideal weather for the mood I had seen the day before— and composed this picture. Continue reading