Some parts of this blog also in English

Unfortunately this blogs bigger part is written in German.
But there is a little shop included where you can buy photographs and it is translated to English (as well as some articles). So you can appreciate the pictures also on your wall!
Notice: Pages with products only available in German are not translated or, if the language doesn’t matter that much, you will be adverted to this factor.

Analog Forest

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The Wood County—once the largest mountains in the world—is known for his huge granite “Restlings”. Here a photograph from the workshop “Landscape photography in the upper Kamp valley”:
Das Waldviertel, einst das höchste Gebirge der Welt, ist u. a. bekannt für seine oft gewaltigen Granitrestlinge. Ein Bild vom Foto-Workshop „Landschaftsfotografie im Oberen Kamptal”:Subhash: „Granite #6225” → Comment

Photos of the openings

…of the exhibitions ”Unvorhergesehene Information/Nepředvídaná informace” (”Unforeseen Information”) in Jindřichův Hradec and Groß Siegharts on April 12th & 13th 2019 for those, who could not participate; photographed by Iris Lindner:

The exhibitions end after May 26th. → Comment