Unfortunately this blogs bigger part is written in German.
But there is a little shop included where you can buy photographs and it is translated to English (as well as some articles). So you can appreciate the pictures also on your wall!
Notice: Pages with products only available in German are not translated or, if the language doesn’t matter that much, you will be adverted to this factor.
Death my last love […] 2
More of (toned) Cyanotypes
Cyanotype is an old photographic printing process that produces each time slightly different results of the same negative. If they are toned as it is the case here with tannin acid solution the kinds of variations increase. Partly for me that‘s the charm of this method which was discovered in 1842.
„Christine Tippelreiter #077” Continue reading
Death my last love […]
Windows of Kirchberg
For the project “Öffnungszeit” my “Kirchberger Fenster” (“Windows of Kirchberg”) were made. I’m standing in front of them here:
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Cyanotypes: first results
Little by little I learn how to make cyanotypes. The advantage of this old method is that it’s rather simple and one doesn’t have to use toxic chemicals. Engelbert Reis called my attention to it and Andreas Reh helped, so first presentable results are on hand. Among others I find this picture quite successful:
„Son of the Velvet Rat #212” (toned cyanotype, 24 x 32 cm)
Play of reality #5
”Monastety garden, church and Monastery Geras (Waldviertel, Lower Austria) where our workshop ”Play of reality“ will take place in summer Comment →
Play of reality #4
„Play of reality #0426_2704 Comment →
Play of reality #3
„Play of reality #0427_0653 Comment →
Play of reality #2
“Play of reality #0422_1134“ Comment →
Play of reality #1
„Spiel der Wirklichkeit #0422_1626“ Comment →
Son of the Velvet Rat at my photo studio
Session on 10. March 10th 2017 Comment →
Son of the Velvet Rat in the Waldviertel
Son of the Velvet Rat present their new album “Dorado” at the Lichtspiele in Groß Gerungs (Lower Austria) on March 10 2017. Continue reading
In July I will participate in an exhibition at the Museum Waidhofen/Thaya. My contribution presumably will show a fretless electric bass from the midth of the eighties by “Ibanez” named “Musician” (MC2940). I am not interested in documentation and so I will show the instrument only in details. Here an example:
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