Videostill, © 2022 Antonia Daniela du Plessis Lombard
Sorry this content is available only in German.
„Mysteries lie all around us, even in the most familiar things, waiting only to be perceived.” (Wynn Bullock)
Videostill, © 2022 Antonia Daniela du Plessis Lombard
Sorry this content is available only in German.
The results of the 26. round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
Our photo exhibition “Photography is (not) art” can be seen in the Kunst.Galerie.Waldviertel in Waidhofen/Thaya at the central square #7 from Thu bis Sun 14-18 including David Anderle, Andreas Biedermann and me, Subhash.
Here come some images from the opening (Photos: © Iris Lindner) and a video clip with some views of the exhibition: Continue reading
The results of the 25. round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
The results of the 24. round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
The results of the twentythird round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
The results of the twentysecond round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
The results of the twentyfirst round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
The results of the twentieth round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
The results of the nineteenth round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
The results of the eightteenth round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
The results of the seventeenth round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
The results of the sixteenth round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
The results of the fifteenth round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
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© computer artwork by subhash, Schwarzenau, Bezirk Zwettl, Waldviertel, Österreich | Newsletter | Datenschutz | Impressum
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