The results of the fourteenth round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
„The mechanical device has no other meaning for the photographer as perhaps the brush for the painter.” (Heinrich Kühn)
The results of the fourteenth round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
The results of the thirteenth round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
The results of the twelvth round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
The results of the eleventh round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
The results of the tenth round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
The results of the ninth round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
The results of the eigth round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger! The associated knowledge cards are mentioned.
There is a new participant: Hubert. Welcome!
11 results of the seventh round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand. One participant pauses, one latecomer was added at the end.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger! The associated knowledge cards are mentioned.
11 results of the sixth round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand. Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger! The associated knowledge cards are mentioned.
12 results of the fifth round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand. Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger! The associated knowledge cards are mentioned.
This time we have a guest star! Tamino (10) did not drew a knowledge card but respected the task:
11 Results of the fourth round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand. (One place came free.)Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger! The associated knowledge cards are mentioned too. Continue reading
Our new member is Hertha. Welcome!
Now we are twelve and this is the limit I’ve set. Further interested persons may start their own project. If they prefer to subscribe here they will be put on a waiting list. It’s their turn if somebody drops out permanently.
Results of the third round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand. 12 people sent photographs dealing with the subject. Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger! The associated knowledge cards are mentioned too. Continue reading
Results of the second round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand. 11 people sent photographs dealing with the subject. Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger! The associated knowledge cards are mentioned too. Continue reading
Results of the first round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand. 10 people sent photographs dealing with the subject (one pauses). Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger! The associated knowledge cards are mentioned too.
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