Tres Árboles

Subhash: «Tres árboles»

«Tres árboles»

On the way to an unknown forest I saw from the corner of my eye the presence of these trees on the horizon. Standing together and yet each one an unique being with distinct shape: elegant, plump and nervous. On the next morning before breakfast I investigated the best location with my tripod in drizzling rain— ideal weather for the mood I had seen the day before— and composed this picture. Continue reading


Subhash: «Acelga»

Subhash «Acelga» Creative CommonsCreative Commons AttributionCreative Commons noncommercialCreative Commons No Derivative Works

It is time to get some color in! All the last postings showed toned or monochrome images. I like black & white conversions and color actually is often expendable in my photographs. But sometimes it is the basic element. Continue reading

Dodge and Burn

Subhash: «En el lago #1926»

Dodge & Burn – who of them old darkroom freaks does not know these terms! These procedures already enabled Ansel Adams 1) to manage high contrast and lead the viewer’s eye. At his time you had to treat every single print of the same negative again and again. Nowadays one can handle it precise and repeatable better than ever. Continue reading


Details of images of my new series of abstract photographs called «Petragua». (Click to enlarge.) These pictures need some size to come into theirs own therefore here you see sections. About one fifth of a photograph is shown: Continue reading