Infrared in Schwarzenau

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Easter promenade 2020

Easter promenade 2020

I do not hear some village joy,
Where is the peoples paradise?
Ev’ryone is home alone:
Where I am Man, where dare it to be?

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Forest infrared

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Analog Forest

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The Wood County—once the largest mountains in the world—is known for his huge granite “Restlings”. Here a photograph from the workshop “Landscape photography in the upper Kamp valley”:
Das Waldviertel, einst das höchste Gebirge der Welt, ist u. a. bekannt für seine oft gewaltigen Granitrestlinge. Ein Bild vom Foto-Workshop „Landschaftsfotografie im Oberen Kamptal”:Subhash: „Granite #6225” → Comment

Photos of the openings

…of the exhibitions ”Unvorhergesehene Information/Nepředvídaná informace” (”Unforeseen Information”) in Jindřichův Hradec and Groß Siegharts on April 12th & 13th 2019 for those, who could not participate; photographed by Iris Lindner:

The exhibitions end after May 26th. → Comment

Electric Orpheus Academy

Near Rapottenstein in the Wood County (Lower Austria) a stronghold of electroaccustic music is situated, the Electric Orpheus Academy. Music which opens ears and minds is produced and performed there. On the occasion of the concert on July 7th ’18 some photographic work was made.

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